Transition 2025
A very warm welcome from all the staff, governors and students at Cottingham High School.
The transition from primary to secondary school is an important milestone in the lives of children and their families. At Cottingham High School, we pride ourselves on providing our new students, parents and carers with a smooth and extensive transition programme so that students arrive on their first day in September excited about the next chapter of their education.
We strive to support all our Year 7 students in adapting to their new routines through an engaging, personalised and caring experience which allows them to develop their confidence and build strong relationships with a wide variety of people.
Many students coming from primary school into Year 7 feel nervous about the change. In the video below, a group of our current Year 7s discuss everything that made their Transition smoother and made them feel more comfortable when they joined Cottingham, as well as introducing Flora, the school well-being dog!
Please watch our Y6 Open Event video which gives you a snapshot of life inside Cottingham High School and Sixth Form College.
We look forward to welcoming you to Cottingham High School and Sixth Form College.
Here is some feedback from Year 7 parents:
“We can safely say, sending our child to Cottingham High School is the best decision we could have made.”
“The staff and children at Cottingham High have been kind, friendly and extremely welcoming.”
“The level of communication we receive from Cottingham High is outstanding, especially given these different times.”
“We can see our daughter achieving great things here.”
New Year 7’s Meet the Tutor Evening: Thursday 3rd July, between 6.00-7.00pm
Parents, carers and students will get the opportunity to meet with their tutor as well as other key support staff before joining us at Cottingham High School. Tutors will start to get to know your child, building those important relationships that play a vital part of our pastoral support as students' progress through the school. Tutors and senior staff will deliver necessary information to support the smooth transition between primary and secondary schools and all attending will have the opportunity to ask any questions they may have.
Transition Week: 07 – 11 July 2025
(07-08th July for Vulnerable Students and 09-11th July for ALL students)
Students will be able to attend Cottingham High School for the final week of term, sampling our exciting lessons, getting to know staff and our buildings as well as developing new relationships with their peers. Students are very complementary about this experience, stating it has been a key support in helping them settle.
Team Building Day
In the first weeks of term, we will be holding a safe team building day for all our new Year 7s. This allows them to work collaboratively through some challenging scenarios to improve their problem solving and communication skills. Students work closely in their tutor groups, forming new relationships to help them feel settled in their new environment.
Students requiring additional support during transition
For any students identified as needing additional support during the transition process, we organise further visits and parental meetings to ensure we have all the information we need to facilitate a confident and purposeful beginning to secondary education. We actively encourage parents to make an appointment with the Head of Year 7 if they wish to discuss any specific needs in more detail.
For all uniform requirements, please click here for further information.
For further information about our school, please take a look at our prospectus by clicking here.