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Key Stage 4

How are students assessed?

Students are assessed in grades. A number of pieces of work are formally assessed from projects to individual tests and assessments. Students are informed when a piece of work is going to be formally assessed. Their progress is formally reported three times a year. Individual targets are set for students and are placed in the front of their work book.

What homework is set?

Homework is set on a weekly basis. It can include brief research tasks, which are used at the start of the next lesson. Other longer homework tasks are used to extend or consolidate learning from the classroom setting. In Year 10 for example a series of homeworks are completed in an Enterprise booklet.

Please click on the link here to read the subject specification in the Options Booklet and watch the video below to find more about what Business Studies entails from the Head of Subject.

Exam Specification

KS4 - NCFE Business & Enterprise level 1/2

NCFE Level 1/2 Technical Award in Business and Enterprise | NCFE


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