Student Wellbeing & Safeguarding
We know the current situation can cause increased stress and anxiety within families. Please find in the attachments below some information about where you can find support for your child during this difficult time.
The Behaviour Team at the East Riding of Yorkshire Council have shared some resources which are aimed at supporting parents and children at home: the resources may not all be aimed at secondary school children, but you may find them helpful.
There is also a leaflet about a useful app called 'Think Ninja' aimed at young people who are experiencing increased anxiety and stress.
The NHS commissioning group for East Yorkshire and NE Lincs have just launched a service for 11-25 year olds which provides online access to trained counsellors at
Increased use of the internet can provide its own challenges so we also attach some information which may support you in monitoring your child’s internet activity.
Thinkuknow is a fantastic website- try the link below:
As always, do not hesitate to contact us if you have issues and need to speak with our child protection or pastoral teams. We will continue to do all that we can to support you.
For further Safeguarding information, please click here.