Parent Information: letters to parents, instructions to help you access online learning and Coronavirus government update info
For the latest Public Health Government Coronavirus Guidance for Everyone, please click here.
Please find below the following information sent out to parents:
- Letter to parents 19.06.20.
- How to find work from June 2020.
- Learning Planners.
- Advice and guidance for parents & carers of students who use public transport to get to school.
- Letter to parents 22.05.20 - reassurance from the Trust regarding re opening of the school to students.
- Letter to Y6 parents 20.05.20 - summer term transition arrangements.
- Letter to parents 04.05.20 - accessing distance learning resources update, please see below and please click here to access useful information about emotional support and well-being.
- Letter to parents 08.04.20 - information about a free online mental health and emotional wellbeing support service (Kooth) launched to help children and young people living in Hull, East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire.
- Letter to parents 03.04.20 - online enrichment resources.
- Letter to parents 30.03.20 - online learning resources.
- Letter from the Headteacher outlining the governments plans to close schools but remain open to provide child care to front line key workers from Monday 23 March 2020.
- Information on how to access distance learning for all year groups and what is available to them.
- Y9 Hegarty Maths Information.
- School Nurse Chathealth Helpline Information.
- Student Wellbeing - for support and advice, please click here.
For all Free School Meal Voucher updates, please click here.
In addition to the attachments below, for more great ideas for home learning, please click on the Red Cross Coronavirus Newsthink Teaching Resource here.
Dear Parent/Carer
With reference to the letter that was sent to you on 19.03.20 following the government's decision to close all schools. The school is closed from today Monday 23 March 2020 until further notice to all students and will only remain open for children of key workers. At the moment, indications are that these include the following: NHS staff, including ambulance / paramedic staff, the police, the fire service, teachers and food delivery drivers.
Please continue to stay safe and well following the governments household guidelines.
We will continue to keep you informed with the latest information as we receive it. Our website will be kept up-to-date and we will continue to communicate with you through social media and email.
Thank you for your support at this difficult time in these unprecedented circumstances.
Best wishes
Loz Wilson