Active Travel Ambassodors Campaign 2024
Our very keen Active Travel Ambassadors are busy planning their new campaign to help make our school a better place and improve people’s health.
Last year they were incredibly successful in their bid at County Hall in Beverley, and won £500 to help move their bus campaign forward.
Their chosen campaign this year centres around two main objectives:
1.reducing the number of cars waiting (with engines running) to collect students in the bus carpark at the front of school by introducing an anti-idling campaign and by monitoring car numbers and air quality inside school
2.encouraging more pupils to ‘park & stride’ by being dropped off/collected safely a 10 min walk away from the school, which will improve pupil health and improve air quality near school with fewer cars coming to school.
They have a few more ATA sessions in school before they have to present their campaign ideas before a panel of adult judges at County Hall in March...they are a force to be reckoned with!
Watch this space!
The students in the picture are just a few of the students actively involved in this campaign. Thank you to each and every one of them and Mrs Phillips who coordinates it, and for all their fantastic efforts making our school community a greener place to thrive! 👏💚🌍